Fred Oge
In October this year Solomon Islands artist, Fred Oge, travelled to Melbourne Australia to undertake a residency at Cozens Street studio. During his very productive three-week residency in the studio Fred produced paintings, prints, drawings and tattoos.
Fred Oge is from Kwai island, in the Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. He's a contemporary artist, and self-taught painter. He took part in different workshops in Australia, New Zealand and exhibited in Honiara and in different international events. His painting express both, traditional and modern worlds. Fred Oge uses powerful colours and patterns, giving a vibrating effect to his works. He paints with acrylic on canvas but has significant experience in mural paintings that can be seen in Honiara. Fred Oge currently works from his studio at the National Gallery of the Solomon Islands. His studio acts as an active hub for many Pacific and Australasian partnerships, including Cozens Street studio and the Free West Papua movement.
Fred Oge and Joel Gailer collaboration
Free West Papua
Fred’s Artbox commission: Tema Chief Ornament, 2019